
Golden Coach exhibition in Amsterdam Museum

margrietschavemaker • 18 juni 2021

On Friday, June 18, 2021 the exhibition The Golden Coach opened at the Amsterdam Museum. After more than five years of restoration, the Golden Coach is back on public display for the first time. The carriage will be on loan to the Amsterdam Museum until February 2022. This means that the carriage is temporarily returning to the city that gave it to Queen Wilhelmina in 1898, Amsterdam. 

The Golden Coach is the subject of a current debate, caused by the painting on the left side of the vehicle: Tribute from the Colonies. Depicted are people from the colonies paying tribute to a white youthful woman symbolizing the Netherlands. An increasing number of people are finding this depiction of colonialism inappropriate for national celebrations. 
Should the carriage continue to be used on Prinsjesdag and during Orange weddings and inaugurations? Does the carriage deserve to be adapted, or does it belong in a museum? The exhibition highlights diverse perspectives on this controversial driving heritage. The Amsterdam Museum also invites visitors to share their views and use augmented reality to create an alternative Golden Coach.

Schavemaker compiled the polyphonic exhibition in collaboration with 10 experts in the field and a sounding board of over 20 stakeholders. 

For the opening speeches in the presence of his Majesty King Willem Alexander see:

For more info on the publication see:

For an essay on the 15 selected artists (written by Roos van der Lint) see:

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